A number of perl modules were updated this month including:
- p5-Apache2-SOAP-0.73
- p5-Catalyst-Devel-1.19
- p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.54
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-0.24
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-0.24
- p5-Catalyst-Runtime-5.80007
- p5-Class-MOP-0.90
- p5-Moose-0.87
- p5-Config-General-2.43
- p5-DBIx-Class-0.08107
- p5-DateTime-0.50
- p5-DateTime-Locale-0.43
- p5-DateTime-TimeZone-0.91
- p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.2603
- p5-FormValidator-Simple-0.28
- p5-JSON-DWIW-0.34
- p5-MooseX-Types-0.16
- p5-Test-Manifest-1.23
- p5-Text-SimpleTable-1.2
- p5-UNIVERSAL-can-1.15
- p5-UNIVERSAL-isa-1.03
- p5-Variable-Magic-0.36
For further information on these packages or any of the thousands of other ports available for FreeBSD, please consult The FreeBSD Ports and Packages Collection.