Does your web hosting service provider maintain the very latest software? Most hosting packages fall into the set it and forget category, that is, once your website has been setup, you’re stuck with it.
Not at Gossamer. Our servers are constantly upgraded whenever new software packages become available, keeping your investment in hosting safe and reliable. The following packages were updated today:
- libltdl-2.4.2
- GeoIP (port has 1.4.8_2)
- iso8879 (port has 1986_3)
- p5-Net-DNSÂ (port has 0.68)
- p5-Variable-Magic (port has 0.48)
- php5-mcrypt (port has 5.3.10_1)
- postgresql-client-8.3.16_5,1 (port has 8.3.17,1)
- postgresql-odbc (port has 08.04.0200_1)
- postgresql-server-8.3.16_5 (port has 8.3.17)
- webmin-1.580