Does your ISP keep your server up to date? The following packages have been updated:
- joomla -> (port has 1.7.5)
- p5-CPAN-Meta -> (port has 2.120351)
- p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML -> (port has 0.007)
- p5-Class-Load ->(port has 0.15)
- p5-Class-Load-XS -> (port has 0.04)
- p5-ExtUtils-Manifest ->(port has 1.60)
- p5-IO-Socket-SSL -> (port has 1.54)
- p5-Inline -> (port has 0.50)
- p5-Moose -> (port has 2.0402)
- p5-Params-Validate -> (port has 1.05)
- p5-Pod-Coverage -> (port has 0.22)
- p5-Template-Toolkit -> (port has 2.24)
- p5-Version-Requirements -> (port has 0.101022)
- p5-version -> (port has 0.96)
In addition, a new update to apache was applied:
- apache-2.2.22 -> (port has 2.2.22_4)